Sunday, December 1, 2013

This will now be...

My missionary blog!! I am jubilant to be leaving on a mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in......2 days and 3 nights. I will keep an account of all of my adventures here. I have read a few missionary blogs recently and love the inspiration I find. I can't wait to get out there. My next post will be from the MTC! :)

Sunday, November 3, 2013

A to Z: Why I love life

A: I am an acrobat. not really, I just can't think of an A word. It's the first letter, I'm just warming up. Artichokes are good on pizza, that is a reason why I love life! (OK. I promise it will get better...)
B: I am reminded of my blessings again and again. A truly happy person is grateful for what they have. I credit my jubliance to counting my blessings everyday. Also, shout-out to my best friend Brooklyn, one of the biggest blessings of my life. She is a very grateful person and it shows :)
C: Frozen custard. mmm people. Frozen custard(old-fashioned ice cream) has been a big part of my life for the past 9 months. If you get a chance, go visit Nielson's Frozen Custard and your life will be changed. You will love life a little more after trying a caramel cashew concrete, a hot fudge sundae, or just a bumble-berry scoop on a cone. There are locations in southern and northern Utah, Nevada, Arizona and Virginia. Aside from the custard, I had an amazing experience working amongst cherished friends, and I learned so much! A swell first job.
D: Decency. The world needs more of it. But for the time being, I shall bask in mine.
E: Elephants. They are such gentle, perfectly lovely animals. I read a story about an elephant who became best friends with a golden retriever and it thoroughly warmed my heart. If I could have a pet elephant, my life would be made.
F: My family is amazing. My friends are amazing. (need I say more? I will) When you have people in your life that care, don't you just feel full? sidenote: Be a friend to someone today because you could be their only one. 
G: My relationship with God. If everyone in the world knew Him, life would be drastically better. I have come to know for myself that He does exist. He is merciful and loving and only wants the best for His children. I will serve Him to the end.
"(Root-)beer is good, God is great, and people are crazy."
H: Hats for bad hair days of course. Hats off to hats! And hugs. A strange custom let me just grab you for a second...but I like them.
I: Imagine Dragons. Only the best band ever to enter the world. Every song is amazing. I am not exaggerating. I tell you they are manna from musical heaven. Radioactive was good and I still enjoy it despite how "radio" "active" it has been. But there are plenty more where that came from my friend. Go ahead and listen for yourself.

J: Jesus. I love Him. What a matchless life, with matchless love. (see letter T)

K: Knowledge. It truly is power. I hope to learn all my life.

L: Love. I love people. I love so many things. One day I'll find my true love. It is true: love is more powerful than hate. Than fear. Than death. Than any force on this earth. Charity is pure love and charity never faileth. -Moroni 7:46

M: Memories. The past is over but it has shaped me and is full of happy things, along with lessons learned and trials overcome.

N: My niece and nephews. They are so energetic and full of so much light. I love little children! And I guess gnomes will go here. The G is silent therefore it isn't really there hardy har go english. Children are like garden gnomes in a way...they're short, and are frequently found bobbing around the yard.
O: Ostriches. They are real life Big Birds! need. I. say. more. Also, oranges. They're like life. Sometimes you just have to pull off the bitter peel to experience the goodness.
P: I am at peace with myself and my decisions. One of the most sought after things in this world is peace. I am so lucky to have it. It's something I just can't get by without. Neither could the hippies. P.S. Shout out to pumpkin pie. I'll always love you baby.
Q: The name Quincy. What class. Thorough.

R: Rainbows. Cliche, maybe. But by admitting it is cliche cancels out the fact that it's cliche. Right?

S: Style. It says a lot about a person that has taken time to get to know themselves and put time in distinguishing themselves from all the other humans in the world. Whether it be art, fashion, home decor, a vehicle (I personally drive a '69 Ford Torino, convertible style;), a blog, a family photo, hair, handwriting, music, or anything else that can have a "style."
T: Temples. In the temple we make sacred promises to God. We perform saving ordinances for our ancestors and are sealed to our family for all eternity. I can be reunited with loved ones because of the blessings of the temple and the atonement of Christ. He died so we can live again. (learn more at or )
U: Umbrellas. I saw a short film in the previews of a movie I went to recently. It was about two umbrellas, one a girl and one a boy. They meet on a rainy day amongst a crowd of gloomy umbrellas. The people using them go in different directions. They try to find each other among the busy crowd of New York and after a short turn of events and some wind, they are brought back together. It warmed my heart.
V: Vegetables. The perfect addition to my daily meals. I love every veggie. Yes, even spinach.
W: Warmth.
X: XOXO it looks cute at the bottom of a letter.

Y: Yellow. Brilliant and happy.

Z: Zippers. what a great invention.
That's why I love life A to Z in a nutshell. :)

Friday, October 4, 2013


       Tomorrow and Sunday are two of the most exciting days!! General Conference is here at last! It happens semi-annually in April and October. Some of the greatest of men and women will be speaking and I know it's going to be amazing. I am so grateful for a living Prophet, President Thomas S. Monson. He is called of God. I invite all of you to watch General conference Saturday, October 5th, and/or Sunday, the 6th. The first session starts at 10 a.m. on both days followed by a two hour break and a second session at 2 p.m. Come and see what the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints is all about. Learn about what we believe and hear beautiful music by the Mormon Tabernacle Choir. The sessions are broadcast on T.V. and radio transmission. Check it out!
 I am sooooooo excited!!!:O

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Here in the Power of Christ I'll stand

In Christ alone, my hope is found

He is my light, my strength, my song

This cornerstone, this solid ground

Firm through the fiercest drought and storm

What heights of love, what depths of peace

When fears are stilled, when strivings cease

My comforter, my all-in-all

Here in the love of Christ I stand

There in the ground His body lay

Light of the world by darkness slain

Then bursting forth in glorious day

Up from the grave He rose again!
And as He stands in victory

Sin’s curse has lost its grip on me

For I am His and He is mine

Bought with the precious blood of Christ

No guilt in life, no fear in death

This is the power of Christ in me

From life’s first cry to final breath

Jesus commands my destiny

No power of hell, no scheme of man

Can ever pluck me from His hand

Till He returns or calls me home

Here in the power of Christ I’ll stand
-Owl City

Monday, July 15, 2013

Fear not

Why do we live in fear?
We are afraid of failure.
We are afraid of the future.
We are afraid of pain.
We are afraid of death.
What does this fear do for us?
In choosing to be afraid, we choose a fate of reluctance.
Of dragging our feet to the next building,
Cautiously tip-toeing around the cracks will only make us unhappy.
Let yourself be free.
Let your life be free.
Live it with full purpose and confidence, giving thought to not what's ahead,
But at this moment.
Be happy with what you have today, and don't be afraid.
Don't be afraid to shine.
Don't be afraid to be amazing in your own way.
Do not fear failure. Mistakes make you humble.
Do not fear the future. It's as bright as you make it.
Do not fear pain.  Pain makes you strong.
Do not fear death.  It happens to the best of us.
With fearing death, one may fear the unknown.
But riddle me this:
How could something so beautiful and intricate as is the mind and human soul
Remain stuck in the grave?
We are magnificent beings. Look at all humankind has accomplished.
Could this all come from nothing?
Death is not the end.
Your ideas, your intelligence, your personality, your love, your gifts, your beauty...lives on.
With this knowledge, don't live in fear.
Live in happiness and be confident you are capable of anything.

Monday, July 8, 2013

Listening to The Shins is like riding llamas through the sand on a crowded beach with grimacing faces covered in dirt staring up in dismay; only to be slapped on a smile, a gleam of happy once they notice the hand-stitched Ostrich on my polo.
"This is the life!" I chant, proceeding my vocals harmonizing "Girl Sailor." This is the life I've come to adore. This wrecking ball of precision. Precision with wide eyed flaws learning to close their eyes and let the pure sunrise emerge across their slumber and awake to mastery. It's all about the ride on the beach. And Listening to The Shins.

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

It's all good in the 'hood

I love my sister.
She is my one and only sister!
The past couple of days I have spent some great time with her and her precious kids. I am so grateful for that time!! She is the most amazing person I know. Hands down. I have never known such a caring, loving, absolutely genuinely considerate, Christlike person as she is. It's like, you just can't believe she is actually so amazing. All of the time, too! She is always thinking of others and never expects anything in return. She truly shines with wisdom of how to live. Of how to find true happiness. This happiness radiates and brightens my life. She doesn't spend her time in vain. She is found in the service of her family, friends, neighbors, her sweet little boys (100%) and she is always striving to better herself and others. What an example you are to me, Ember Leah. I love my sister.
What's new with HaySwens?
I found out the bestest news! My brother and his wife are having a BOY! YAY
I love my little nephew already. His parents are just amazing, so I just know he is going to be a special little guy. My family always gets the best Spirits, not to brag or anything, we just do. :)
I learned how to long-board! 
And I went to my first Yoga class!
And I decided I love cats.
Long-boarding is much like skim-boarding; so I caught on quick. I love it! And Yoga was incredible. Meditation is something I have always made fun of; you know, the "Haaaaahummmmm" action? Well it frankly works wonders. Not that I have any real stress wearing me down, but that funny duddy stuff they teach is, in reality quite revitalizing. And for cats, they are the coolest. They're like mini tigers! and that's pretty rad, so I'm down.
I went to my first Imagine Dragons concert. It was beyond amazing, we'll just call that sufficient description. You just have to hear those guys live for yourself. They outdo themselves. I am still in awe and it's been a week. I will never stop imagining dragons. They are WOW.
I broke my streak of unpainted nails. Summer means lots of Brooklyn and Haley nail painting nights. While watching Peter Pan. I love all 3 subjects mentioned.  
 Me=soaking in the simple pleasures of summer and savoring each millisecond, each part of the picture. A sliver of a moon and one single star at dusk. The warm summer air. Enjoy. Grow. And move on. Because you have to remember,
There's always another adventure around the corner. :)

Thursday, June 6, 2013

How can I not smile all day

How can I not smile all day
when I have a life like I do?
I look not at what I lack, 
but what I have. 
And that is,
And not the everything you would expect....

I wish everyone could feel the peace and happiness I feel every day.
I guess the conclusion I have come to as pertaining to my absolute joy is this:
Love life and life will love you back.
I would encourage everyone to:
o Give your all and all to every single ounce of life.
Instead of shirking at working, whistle a tune; it will end soon.
Instead of wishing for tomorrow, make today better.
o Instead of avoiding your problems, get them out in the open. Explore your solutions and let people help you. Affliction isn't fiction
But as you step outside yourself, and look at the world around you, you'll notice there are people out there going through similar things you are. And remember, "this too shall pass." The question is, are you going to get left behind? Are you going to proceed without learning?  Don't let life leave without you. Step up to the challenge, take your new found wisdom and character, and work your way higher.
o Be positive. Take measures to search for that bright side; measures of simply changing your outlook. Emphasize the goodness in your life. Grey and gloom will start to leave your world once you decide to stop pointing out the negative and start shading in with colors of optimism.
o Do what you love.
Whether it's belting out in song all alone in your room at the end of the day, or whether it's going to your favorite concert, even though you know you can't afford it. Go out to eat just because you love food. Stay up till the wee hours of the night writing in your blog because it clears your mind and because you beyond love to write. Take yet more work off to go to Lake Powell just because it's summer and you're only 18 once. (Yes, all of these things apply to me.)
o Accept people as friends and as a source of your happiness. Most people are caring. Most people are helpful. and loving.
The ones that aren't don't necessarily have to be under a spotlight on your stage. But you can still shed light on theirs. and trust me, your light does make a difference. your influence reaches farther than you know.
And don't be convinced that people can't change.
o Love people. Love everyone.
This is a gift I have been blessed with and has added to the happiness of which I relate. I have been blessed with the ability to see the good in people. When I think about all of the people I have met in my life, I can honestly say that there is not one person in which I haven't seen value.
And something truly lovely.
And beautiful.
o Stay true to what you know. You will never feel comfortable in lying skin. Make your values apart of you and hold on tight to them.
Value your values.
o  Develop a personal and real relationship with your Father in Heaven, and Jesus, the Christ.
 Knowing them, knowing my eternal identity, has brought me the happiness of which I speak. The love they have for me has become apart of me, making every aspect of life an immeasurable bliss. To think that I have the key to what everyone is searching for...
Love, and happiness.
The answers.
I want to shout them from the rooftops!
I want every person walking awhile,
To feel the immense joy that comes to me
from one thing:
Knowing My Savior, Jesus Christ.
He is love.
He is peace.
He is Joy.
His gospel has taught me everything I know and has inspired my mind to these suggestions. The final suggestion is this: 
Let Him into your life.
And watch your happiness MAGNIFY hundredfold.

How can I not smile all day
 when I have a life like I do?
I look, not at what I lack, 
but what I have. 
And that is,
And not the everything you would expect
 My everything is Jesus Christ!
  and that is why I am so happy.

Monday, May 27, 2013

The sequel of my senior year: Class of 2013

Senior trip reminiscence:: 
This is long but oh, so worth it.

What I laughed at:
1::Gasps of air leave the bus silence.
Then commotion.
"Haley SWORE???"
"Someone's got to live tweet that!"
But she did not.
She said Shiitake
Referring to the mushroom.
Yo, our bus almost made a pancake out of the car ahead of us--
so the real word would have been appropriate in this instance.
But Haley doesn't swear:: 

2::A guy worker at Magic Mountain walked out of the girls' bathroom in broad daylight. with his Green Lantern super hero cape and all. trailing behind.
p.s. Later that day we were ascending the first clicking climb up the hill on the famous Tatzu roller-coaster when I saw him. I told him I caught him in the girls' bathroom. All he had to say was, "Hi-ya!"
He had to stay in character::

3::Ripped my brand new yoga pants right smack-dab in the backside area. The hole was dime-sized and very exposing. Luckily no one saw...I just keep telling myself that. Man, I knew I felt a breeze back there::

4::Creeping on people in line for California Screamin': Popped my hood up, crouched behind the wall and slowly peeked over with my creeper face. scared the living daylights out of a girl. It was roughly 1:30 in the morning, everything was entertaining. And everything was funny. T'was aghast::

 What I adored:
 Being with all of my lovely friends. :)
There are some pretty great people in my life.
To name a few, and some of the best~
Whitni, Kenzie, Emily, Lindsey, Michelle, Bridgette, Elle, Jordyn, Emma,
and a'course, my bestie, Brooklyn.

  It is so important to have friends that love and support you, make you want to be better, uplift you, and share your same values. I am so grateful for the influence of these girls in my life.

 Let's talk about my amazing friends::
Whitni is so genuine. You can tell she truly cares about you when you talk to her. She is also always up for any adventure and I love that about her.

Kenzie is so strong. Her firey personality is fresh and vibrant. She loves to have fun and loves to include everyone in on it. She knows what she wants and won't settle. I admire that so much.

Emily is so charismatic. She supports her friends and shows that she cares. She is so outgoing and has a great sense of humor.We always have a good time with Em.

Lindsey is so chill. I love her laid back personality. She always has something funny to add to the conversation. I love her tall grace and mad volley-ball skills.

Michelle is also very chill. She is a great one to talk to. There's nothing fake about Michelle and I adore that about her. She is who she is: an amazing girl. Along with my friends above, she has helped me a lot this year by simply being so kind.

Bridgette is so much fun. She is always full of energy and vigor. We were on Seminary counsel together this year and she definitely engaged herself in whatever she was asked to do. She's a character to say the least.

Elle is so classy. She has a style that is completely her own. Along with her fashion, her character is classy as well. She is friendly to all and shares my love of writing. She, along with my other friends, has many accomplishments.

Jordyn is something else. She was voted class clown, and rightfully so. Every word that comes from her mouth jerks a laugh inside me. I love her wit. She also just does her own thing; she is unstoppable.

 Emma is from the Netherlands and has been such an amazing friend to me this year. She has taught me so much. Beyond so much. She is the most honest person, so wise I call her my female Buddha.

And Brooklyn.
Brooklyn, where do I start with her. Brooklyn. She is my best friend. By every word and deed. True blue, through and through. The sweetest girl you will ever meet. The happiest. The brightest. She is so positive. Positively posh. thoughtful, hardworking, dedicated, and strong. She has made an incredibly immense impact on my life. She's the /best and she's my
We laughed the whole trip. Screamed the whole trip. Smiled the whole trip. And thoroughly enjoyed each moment of this blessed time of partying and celebration. We GRADUATED FROM HIGH SCHOOL!

What I cherish and Savor:
 1))Playing cards with Jannie, Hannah, Valentina, Federica, Emma, and Brooklyn at the hotel. I love these girls! I could go on and on about the amazing people in my life, so I will.

Jannie is so confident. I love her kindness and charisma.She is so sure about herself and I admire that a lot.
Hannah is the same, so sweet and full of light. She has always been a great example to those around her.
Emma, Valentina and Federica are our wonderful exchange students.
Valentina is from Moldova, near Russia. She is such a cutie and makes me laugh so much.
Federica is from Italy and she is one of the most likeable people. She got voted onto Senior Ball royalty!

I will surely miss these girls and everyone I have been able to acquaint myself with this year and last.

2))Riding California Screamin' at night. This was my first time riding this and It was incredible. Just close your eyes and imagine this::
a full, bright moon in the sky shining over the colorful lights of California Adventure as you wait to be shot up into the night. The cool, scream-condensed air rushing over your face. Over-looking the bustling world of Disneyland. the happiest place on earth. 
My heart was the happiest heart on earth. I savored each feeling of total and complete freedom, taking pictures in my mind. 
Stenciled in my memory is the raw served absolute exuberance of the feelings I experienced. The happiness I already feel for life only magnified the excitement of the roller-coasters ridden and the experiences I had while on Sr. trip. For some people, entertainment is indulged for the purpose of creating temporary happiness....

I feel that life is even more immensely enjoyable for me, large and small, for the fact that I have already found happiness for myself. It is permanently apart of me. The knowledge I have of my Savior Jesus Christ brings such a happiness in my life, so much that a billion rides on California Adventure could never trump that joy. He simply makes my life more amazing. I enjoy the big things and the little things alike to a greater degree because of His Spirit that is apart of me. That is why I love life. That is why I smile.((:

3))the beach! the salty whispers of foaming shore. A boy caught a seagull by setting food on a towel across his open arms. It was a good day for random.((
4))Gelato<3 better than custard which is better than ice cream which I never thought could get better in any other form.((
5))the longed for ocean of my heart at last<3 running in with my bff! getting covered in seaweed.((
6))magical Disneyland I cried when i stepped through the gate. and when i saw cinderella.((
7))riding on a three story yacht dinner at last. chillin out in the breeze. friends.((
8))grad night water show with fire! it was beautiful and so special. class of 2013.((

 I will never forget the adventure of my Senior trip. My wonderful classmates, friendsies, adorable chaperons, kick-back good old fashion fun, celebrating life and the prospects that lie ahead. Life has been excellent and adventurous thus far in my life, and I can't wait for more.

 It was pretty grand of a finale of my schooling career.

I am so excited for my future, for I know it will be filled with even greater adventures, vast endeavors and many cherished memories. Our future is as bright as we make it, and I am confident it will be very. I know that rainbows come after rain, and I also have learned more so, to just dance in the rain. Life is real! Life is short. 
Take in every moment with sufficient indulgence so that you learn what you need to learn, love those who need love, and become the kind of person who doesn't simply breath to live, and live for tomorrow. Live for today. Live now. Embrace each new day with gratitude and excitement. 
You're ALIVE! Like Kid President says, "You've got air coming through your nose! You've got a heart beating in your chest." Breath each breath with meaning. 

In receiving cards in the mail from loved ones and friends on behalf of my graduation, I have obtained a similar message from all: 
My grandma: "You are on your way to a full and happy life! Give it all you've got!! Always!!" 

My friend Markee and her family: "...whatever big decisions you make in life, you will continue to make people smile." (aww) 

My dad: "Congratulations, you did it! A wonderful, rich life awaits you; grab it and go forth with faith..." 

My sister: " 'Today is your day! You're off to great places! You're off and away! You have brains in your head and you have feet in your shoes and you can steer yourself in any direction you choose. You're on your own. You know what you know. And you are the [girl] who'll decide where to go! Oh the places you'll go!' You do know what you know and I am excited to watch you decide where you go and what your paths will be. There is not just one. Life is full of choices and adventures. I am excited and confident you will be very happy and continue living and loving."

 LaRue Dove: "Knowing you, this is the beginning of all kinds of opportunities to enjoy your many talents as you go on to the next steps of your life."

The message is...this is it! I have come so far and have so much to give. Life has just begun and it is beautiful at that. The sun casts it' s most beautiful light at sunset, but the day is full of brightness and radiance and hope for a brighter tomorrow. I will be that hope. Let us all be.  

And she's off!