Sunday, November 3, 2013

A to Z: Why I love life

A: I am an acrobat. not really, I just can't think of an A word. It's the first letter, I'm just warming up. Artichokes are good on pizza, that is a reason why I love life! (OK. I promise it will get better...)
B: I am reminded of my blessings again and again. A truly happy person is grateful for what they have. I credit my jubliance to counting my blessings everyday. Also, shout-out to my best friend Brooklyn, one of the biggest blessings of my life. She is a very grateful person and it shows :)
C: Frozen custard. mmm people. Frozen custard(old-fashioned ice cream) has been a big part of my life for the past 9 months. If you get a chance, go visit Nielson's Frozen Custard and your life will be changed. You will love life a little more after trying a caramel cashew concrete, a hot fudge sundae, or just a bumble-berry scoop on a cone. There are locations in southern and northern Utah, Nevada, Arizona and Virginia. Aside from the custard, I had an amazing experience working amongst cherished friends, and I learned so much! A swell first job.
D: Decency. The world needs more of it. But for the time being, I shall bask in mine.
E: Elephants. They are such gentle, perfectly lovely animals. I read a story about an elephant who became best friends with a golden retriever and it thoroughly warmed my heart. If I could have a pet elephant, my life would be made.
F: My family is amazing. My friends are amazing. (need I say more? I will) When you have people in your life that care, don't you just feel full? sidenote: Be a friend to someone today because you could be their only one. 
G: My relationship with God. If everyone in the world knew Him, life would be drastically better. I have come to know for myself that He does exist. He is merciful and loving and only wants the best for His children. I will serve Him to the end.
"(Root-)beer is good, God is great, and people are crazy."
H: Hats for bad hair days of course. Hats off to hats! And hugs. A strange custom let me just grab you for a second...but I like them.
I: Imagine Dragons. Only the best band ever to enter the world. Every song is amazing. I am not exaggerating. I tell you they are manna from musical heaven. Radioactive was good and I still enjoy it despite how "radio" "active" it has been. But there are plenty more where that came from my friend. Go ahead and listen for yourself.

J: Jesus. I love Him. What a matchless life, with matchless love. (see letter T)

K: Knowledge. It truly is power. I hope to learn all my life.

L: Love. I love people. I love so many things. One day I'll find my true love. It is true: love is more powerful than hate. Than fear. Than death. Than any force on this earth. Charity is pure love and charity never faileth. -Moroni 7:46

M: Memories. The past is over but it has shaped me and is full of happy things, along with lessons learned and trials overcome.

N: My niece and nephews. They are so energetic and full of so much light. I love little children! And I guess gnomes will go here. The G is silent therefore it isn't really there hardy har go english. Children are like garden gnomes in a way...they're short, and are frequently found bobbing around the yard.
O: Ostriches. They are real life Big Birds! need. I. say. more. Also, oranges. They're like life. Sometimes you just have to pull off the bitter peel to experience the goodness.
P: I am at peace with myself and my decisions. One of the most sought after things in this world is peace. I am so lucky to have it. It's something I just can't get by without. Neither could the hippies. P.S. Shout out to pumpkin pie. I'll always love you baby.
Q: The name Quincy. What class. Thorough.

R: Rainbows. Cliche, maybe. But by admitting it is cliche cancels out the fact that it's cliche. Right?

S: Style. It says a lot about a person that has taken time to get to know themselves and put time in distinguishing themselves from all the other humans in the world. Whether it be art, fashion, home decor, a vehicle (I personally drive a '69 Ford Torino, convertible style;), a blog, a family photo, hair, handwriting, music, or anything else that can have a "style."
T: Temples. In the temple we make sacred promises to God. We perform saving ordinances for our ancestors and are sealed to our family for all eternity. I can be reunited with loved ones because of the blessings of the temple and the atonement of Christ. He died so we can live again. (learn more at or )
U: Umbrellas. I saw a short film in the previews of a movie I went to recently. It was about two umbrellas, one a girl and one a boy. They meet on a rainy day amongst a crowd of gloomy umbrellas. The people using them go in different directions. They try to find each other among the busy crowd of New York and after a short turn of events and some wind, they are brought back together. It warmed my heart.
V: Vegetables. The perfect addition to my daily meals. I love every veggie. Yes, even spinach.
W: Warmth.
X: XOXO it looks cute at the bottom of a letter.

Y: Yellow. Brilliant and happy.

Z: Zippers. what a great invention.
That's why I love life A to Z in a nutshell. :)